Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Turn Smile Shift Repeat

So, that's it. My first entry here. I won't tell you who or what I am - the few people reading this already know me, the rest will soon.I'm 27 for two days now and still don't feel old - yay for me! I will feel old tonight, though - seven hours at work can do this to you. I hope all the Degus will be alive when I come home. They still have problems with Said's integration into the group. There's only so much fighting that I can take.One of my best friends forgot my birthday. I expected it but I'm still disappointed.Guess I'll write more tonight, I just don't want this journal to be empty any longer.See ya!


melinachok said...

I'm 27 for two days now and still don't feel old - yay for me! I will feel old tonight, though - seven hours at work can do this to you. Deshalb kriegt wirrlicht (Hisui) zum 30. von mir nen Treppenlift *mies*

enrualpejez said...

Dich dann auch mal adden tut *sich noch immer an deinem Karaokesong abkrampft*

dcassereamd87yahoocom said...

*hehehe*Ich hab mit meinem noch nicht mal angefangen...