Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So, Tori-concert. First, the supporting guy was great. It was Tom McRae, accompanied by a guy with a cello and they played five or six songs I didn't know but made me shiver nonetheless. Best one was this Boy With The Bubblegun that ends with "If songs can kill, this one's for you". He was really good. "Here's another song about killing people." Dennis bought his CD after the concert.
Then we had to endure about twenty minutes of melodyfree monotonous electronic music until Tori went on the stage. She started with "Original Sinsuality", so no surprise there.
Father Lucifer
was up next and the audience went wild. She flipped us off during the song, guess it was meant for those girls that eat pizza and never gain weight.
As if that wasn't enough, she launched right into
which is Dennis' favourite song and I'll never forget the pure bliss and excitement on his face when he recognized the first notes.
Someone shouted "Love you, Tori" while she was playing the intro, she just said "And I love you back" and kept playing.
There was also some crazy fan action during
Blood Roses,
thefourth song: Some redhaired girl in a white dress walked to the stage as if she were in trance and then she...kneeled down? I couldn't really see what she was doing there... It was quite a bit scary. The song sounded great as usual, it's an old live favourite of many fans.
Song Number Five was
Liquid Diamonds
She also did this in Hamburg last week, with the same weird intro and outroI knew from somewhere but couldn't really place it. The song was great live, definitely better than the studio version.
Barons Of Suburbia
Another new one. I think to_biased just summed it up nicely in his review of the Munich concert.
Number Seven:
Bells For Her
Yes! That was a real surprise for me and I LOVED IT! It's a song that took me quite some time to like, but now it gets better and better with every hearing. And Tori performing it live was just...undescribable.
Now it was time for Tori's Piano Bar and she said this time she got some requests she even likes so she kicked off with Billy Joel's
Piano Man
And right there, I started to cry. I was teary during the whole concert, but watching her sing this song which was one of my favourites back in tenth grade was just too much for me. Her rendition was beautiful, though I actually waited for her to change the lyrics to "You're the piano girl". She didn't though.
Second cover was
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
You all know her version, you all love it, so it was a safe bet. I was happy about the choice though I would have preferred listening to a cover I didn't know. And Idecided, I wanther to sing "Lovefool" in the near future. That'd be great.
Your Cloud
came up next, and I swear I heard her singing "Pick out your CLIT" one time. Blame it on my hearing... She followed that with
Sleeps With Butterflies
and this version was much, much better than the studio version cuz all the happiness and summer feeling was just gone. By now we were all quite dreamy so she started playing
Space Dog
I was soooo excited cuz I don't know so many live versions of this song which is one of my favourites from "Under The Pink". It was sooooo fantastic. No words for that.
Then there was
which was nice but nothing too fancy and she finished with
The Beekeeper
and again, it was so much better than the album version.
to_biased didn't like it in Munich but I guess this time around even he would have liked that.
The first encore was
"This is just for you, boys." Oh, it was really, really beautiful. I think it was the best one of the evening, though that's hard to rank, of course.
Then there was
Never Seen Blue
which was another huge surprise for me - Dennis didn't even know the song. It was nice but wouldn't have been a good finish.
But of course there was a second encore, kicked off with
Tear In Your Hand
and I cried again cuz that's up there in my personal Top Ten Tori Songs list. So, lots of Neil this evening...
And she ended it all with
How fitting. No more words needed.


iimvivaen8648 said...

I so wanted to hear that in Munich! It sounds like a typical band song on the album but it's so great live.@Beekeeper: I've heard like, 2 boots from that song plus the Munich one and they just sound the same all the time... was that one different? Anyway, ours was nearly 11 minutes and that's just way too long.Btw, you can download the amazing Munich Taxi Ride from you-know-where.I hope someone taped Frankfurt, too. I really wanna hear Spark.

iimvivaen8648 said...

I so wanted to hear that in Munich! It sounds like a typical band song on the album but it's so great live.@Beekeeper: I've heard like, 2 boots from that song plus the Munich one and they just sound the same all the time... was that one different? Anyway, ours was nearly 11 minutes and that's just way too long.Btw, you can download the amazing Munich Taxi Ride from you-know-where.I hope someone taped Frankfurt, too. I really wanna hear Spark.

aintoyursugarpie9 said...

I hope so, too, just to keep the memory alive. I totally could have taped the show myself, there were no controls whatsoever.btw, I decided we both had good strong sets, I so envy you for Taxi Ride, Cooling and Icicle!

fragilemiie47 said...

Frankfurt was taped, you got PM.

sarahra said...

Um... There should be a "Space Dog" somewhere in the first sentence...

melinachok said...

*luvs you to death*I really was angry with myself afterwards for not taping it.

vseauw said...

Yeah, I thought so *gg*

nlfhtgalips said...

Me too.And yeah, I was angry, too. Heh.Seriously, the quality of the Munich one is amazing so I don't regret anything.